Tuesday, September 21, 2010


You can strip a man of everything, all his belongings and wealth could be gone, the ego will remain. This book is a reminder of that. The two main characters are absolutely opposites, in more ways than one. Kathy Nicolo is a down and out woman, working menial jobs cleaning people’s homes. She lives alone, used to be a cocaine addict but for the past 3 years is now clean. Her husband, Nick, left her because she wanted children and he didn’t want the responsibility. Each time she describes her situation, her past and things that happened to her you wonder how she cannot see where she is going wrong. But when life isn’t going the way you want it, I guess, that’s what usually happens. Just when you think everything that could possibly go wrong has gone awry, something else manages to screw up. I’m quick to judge Kathy and also feel a certain disdain for her because she isn’t solving her problems but really haven’t we all been there? So how can I judge her?
On the other hand is Behrani, a high ranking ex-officer from the Iranian air force. Here is a man who cannot let go of the past. (Again, something we all are guilty of exhibiting at some point in our lives). He cannot seem to forget his luxurious past life and all the comforts it afforded him. So much so, that despite of living in a foreign land where no one knows him, he goes great lengths to keep up appearances. He doesn’t seem to understand why the Americans are so free, living wherever, however and do not care to judge. He keeps up appearances; his wife keeps up appearances so that their community can think they are doing well and are rich and bountiful. He is constantly afraid of being judged by his family, his newly married daughter, her new family. But really what kind of love is that which judges?
Needless to say I’m totally hooked on this emotionally charged, drama filled book. The more I read it, the more I love the title. Sheer genius! Two people desperately clinging to this house but like sand and fog it's slipping through their fingers!

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