Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not over it yet

Really, I mean why must I endure this? Not only is all my privacy lost but all hope is gone with it. Isn’t it enough that boredom propels me to start a blog? Now I have to be careful of what is on my screen so any top dog walking by doesn’t see me being unproductive. What a joke!
Yes, I am still resentful and not over the fact that my seating arrangement is changed. Some of you may be tired of reading my rant but seriously this feeling is compounded by the shitty weather, boring tasks, no motivation and wanting to sleep! Ugh, I know bad combination.
I did get to read some of the book though last night and this morning – the only time I will be reading now, barring lunch breaks. If the weather decides to cooperate (not for long), I can sit on the roof in the building, if not at least there is a kitchen area here I can go eat and sit. I say at least because my old job didn’t even have this and I cannot remember the number of times we cursed them for not providing with some “break-time space”. Anyway, enough of corporate bashing for today (although they deserve much more) and back to the more important task at hand – Russian Winter.
So Nina is one of the main characters (the old woman auctioning her jewels), another character is Grigori Solodin. He works at a university in Boston, the department of foreign languages. This guy’s wife just died (by just, I mean 2 years ago) and still wears his grief on his shoulder, which makes him very attractive to women. I don’t understand why we women find the need to go save others when we ourselves are in a pile of misery!?! We want to save the world, how about we start with ourselves? No, don’t want that. Let’s go date some guy who is still not over his dead wife and make him fall in love with us. That’s our idea of a challenge. Anyway, this Grigori guy is a professor and teaches Russian. His parents were scientists so when he tells people his background they are surprised he chose languages or was really bad at math in school. But he was adopted so his thing is to find his real family. He owns this amber pendant which matches one of Nina’s jewels so he has this strong feeling that somehow he is related to Nina’s husband’s family. Add to that, Nina’s husband – Viktor – was a poet and Grigori is obsessed with his work. He has translated a bunch of his poems and quotes them night and day. I have an inkling of how Grigori might be related to Nina and her family but we’ll wait and see if I am right. No, I’m not going to share it here because if I do I have to then share whether I was right. And that, some people may not appreciate. So, Grigori donated his pendant, anonymously, to the auction as well and is waiting on Nina to speak with him. But that old, miserable woman doesn’t want to and wants him to go away, which clearly he won’t.
There is a third character – Drew Brooks – she works at the auction house. I’ll give her run down tomorrow when I’m still hating this absurd setup. Oh that reminds me, I need to say more about Nina as well besides that she is old and miserable. She used to be a ballerina and was married to this dapper poet (I mentioned earlier). More on that tomorrow along with the auction house lady.

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