Tuesday, September 14, 2010

EPA dates

Last night was a revelation of sorts. After dealing with bags, sweaters and the seemingly unending commute I finally got home thinking there had to be some food for my ailing soul. Instead my husband (I should state here that I love him very much) decided to put up his feet and wait on me to get home. No, seriously that was his answer when I inquired why he hadn't made any dinner.

So we decided to go out for a dinner date at an EPA super fund site meeting. Oh didn't I mention? I live above a nice thick layer of arsenic and coal tar. For those who don't know what these are, simply put, prolonged contact with them can kill you. Coal tar is highly carcinogenic and arsenic is a whole other tale!

The project manager at the super fund meeting
The one good thing about this EPA meeting was they had food. At first I was shy to get food (instead I should feel entitled. For making me live above a bed of these lethal whatnots and not informing me they existed, I deserved more than food from these environmentalists!) but when the endless drone of politics and what's going on with the site and why don't you clean it up took it's toll on me I ate some cheese, wraps and fruit. One thing I should say - I almost never, ever pass up on free food.

In the midst of my wonderful evening with these EPA guys I was told that the arsenic is sort-of spread and sort-of contained. Unable to understand this watch your step otherwise you'll owe millions talk, my husband decided to cut the b.s. and ask if the water was exposed to these metals and if there were any health hazards to the residents? No, we were confidently told but when he decided to press them more they all jumped on him like a pack of hungry wolves. And here I thought I was getting free food.

Finally at 10pm we decided we'd had enough. With my belly full, I got home and decided to head for the shower before I heard a whimpering sound behind me, "what about dinner?"

I'm done with 2 essays from the book, the first hilarious, second very sad! I'll write some nuggets tomorrow.

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