Thursday, December 16, 2010

Passport to the Cosmos

Yesterday the beloved New York Library pinged me that a book I had reserved was now available. I normally don’t like reserving books because it leaves you at the mercy of the library and not your mood on what you read. But this one was particularly intriguing so I promptly picked it up.
A few weeks ago, before I went to India, I was reading about Dr. Brian Weiss (Many Lives, Many Masters) on the internet which led me to someone similarly esoteric – Dr. John E. Mack. The late Dr. Mack was a professor of psychiatry at Harvard University and for many years researched into people’s claims of being abducted by E.T.s.
His research was not focused on little green men and whether they are real but on what effect this “abduction” had on the people who claimed to have had these experiences. Interesting, isn’t it?
So far I have read that the West is close-minded about these experiences (yeah, we knew that) and a lot of cultures in the East think this is actually normal. “Sky people” as they are called in the East abduct to impart knowledge, heal mental or physical defects, show you how the world is degrading or sometimes just bring you closer to the realization of truth. Aha!
This communication is done telepathically and involves images shown on television-like monitors, by contact with huge eyes of the beings.
So Dr. Mack took the approach of a clinician and carefully documented his practices and his experiences with his clients to write Passport to the Cosmos. His only aim was to see what such anomalous experiences and phenomena can tell us about ourselves and thereby help us in our evolution.
Now, some people might say what a load of nonsense! Well, not too long ago the concept of meteors falling from the sky was also considered nonsense. I am approaching this book with an open mind; simply because we don’t understand something or it seems beyond our intelligence doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It only highlights our limitations; the cosmos on the other hand, is not bound by any such thing!

1 Response to Passport to the Cosmos

December 16, 2010 at 2:32 PM

This is a passion of mine. I've had a variety of theories. I do believe without a shadow of doubt that we are not alone. I will share my thoughts that with you in the future. Because we do not have a visual lock on someone specifically it does not mean that we are not surrounded with onlookers. it's the human experience that fascinating to someone or something. We just haven't learnt to understand or realize why our day to day experience may be much more than it appears. some of us dream larger than life that's why we are able to communicate the way we are at the moment and not in a cave. As we grow we will come to the realization of who we are.

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