Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Way to escape bondage

I must share snippets of an article I kept re-reading yesterday. The sheer beauty and
magnificence of the words moved me to an alternate reality and brought me to a realization that we don't have to be bound by petty reactions/attitudes of bosses, co-workers or others who fail to realize the efforts we put in. Because in the end it is only the detached who is able to realize after all.

"The only way to escape the consequences of the acts is to adopt a detached attitude while one performs the acts.

This means one has to give up the sense of ownership (ego) as well as the fruits of actions. Renunciation means giving up not action but the fruits of action, says the Lord. Because of Avidya (ignorance) and lack of proper understanding, an individual gets confused about the agency of the action. An uncultivated mind sees things in the wrong light and does not realise the truth. His possessive attitude to the work makes it difficult for him to renounce the Karma and its fruits. But the realised soul is not possessive with the body and the senses and remains detached."

The complete article is here.

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