Monday, June 20, 2011


What are they? Are they as some people say a manifestation of the sub conscious or are they messages from a space we haven’t yet deciphered? Last week I mentioned I’ve been having some crazy dreams. I mentioned this to a friend who said she was happy for me because they constituted some sort of a release. Are they a release? Or are they giving me an opportunity to view something that I wouldn’t experience otherwise? It’s hard to tell and that primarily stems from our very limited knowledge of our brain. We could call dreams whatever and define them to mean an assortment of things but the truth is we really don’t know.
The same friend I was talking to about dream as a release jokingly told me she has lost her creativity in her dreams, i.e. she isn’t dreaming. No sooner did she say that she was blown away this past weekend when she and her mother had the same dream. How does something like that happen? Two people having the same dream? Those of us who have read The Stand might say it’s a precursor of things to come. Or skeptics might call it a coincidence. Believe it or not, I don’t think there are coincidences in this world. Everything we see, experience and derive meaning from was meant to be.
Are dreams traveling from a plane we don’t yet understand? Are they a sign of our evolvement or how much more we have to go? And what about those dreams that come true? No I don’t mean I dreamt of being a senior executive at a big company and with hard work I got there. No, not that. I mean a real dream that few days later was confirmed as real. How does that happen?
For the past few weeks I am trying to understand what power, if any, is giving us charge to manifest our fears in our dreams. Or perhaps the power that is giving us little control over what is going to happen by letting us view in our dreams the reality about to unfold. Are becoming psychic? Perhaps in this world where all is going to hell, the higher power is giving us control to awaken our consciousness by giving us glimpses of things to come.
I am not questioning that which is and I know sometimes there is no need to even understand it. It is enough knowledge that something is occurring and as always exists to solve a higher, deeper purpose. My dreams are showing me the world in a way that I didn’t know I could see. They are opening my eyes to realms that exist deep within me, albeit quiet all along. Something inside has tuned in with the universe, how much ever it astonishes me, I am humming along.

2 Response to Dreams

June 21, 2011 at 7:06 AM

Dreams are the subconscious guiding us or sometimes just plain having fun with us. i know it is more powerful or knowing is the proper word than our conscious self because we are so busy caught up in the everyday drama that we do not recognise these signposts that are there to guide us. We just whiz by unseeing. Dreams can bring us clarity on situations in our lives or warn us when we are about to trip up and we still go aound with our heads in the cloud. The dreams are not to interfere but will allow us insight into our lives. Keep a book and pen by the bed and write about the dream because it will be forgotten after the morning rush.

June 21, 2011 at 12:00 PM

Yes, I am documenting them. Can't lose the wisdom of the night in the morning crowd!

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