Monday, May 2, 2011


Last week I finished the 1857 mutiny book but since then haven't started anything new yet. Partly because I am confused -- there are a lot of choices -- and partly because I cannot figure out what mood I am in. First I thought to read The Kingdom of God is Within You by Tolstoy. Then on Saturday when I went hiking a friend recommended The Celestine Prophecy to me. Now, about a year or so ago I bought the book and tried reading it but it constituted a drag! However, in the past few months, more than one person has talked about how great the book is. So should I read that instead? Hmm...I'll continue to gauge my mood and ponder over this mystery while overdosing on the news regarding Bin Laden's death. What a way to answer the ridiculous birthers movement! Obama is going to get himself re-elected.

One of the funniest things I saw on Facebook today had a picture of the President against the captions "Sorry it took me so long to produce the birth certificate. I was busy killing Osama Bin Laden". Haha!

Serpentine tree on the way down from Bear Mtn

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