Monday, August 20, 2012

Barely Tinkered

Tinker Tailor took over 2 weeks to finish - the story that started out as a drag (I had to almost skip the first chapter) sort of ended the same way. By the time I had over a 100 pages left, I started to skim through the words. The in-between was not bad but really not anything out of this world either. 

An honest assessment of the book would be that it was disappointing. For reasons unknown, I wanted to like the book; I really did. However, I have to confess that I didn't. I loved the Constant Gardener movie and am very much looking forward to watching Tinker Tailor with Gary Oldman. But the book did not live up to any of the movie's hype. Seldom does it happen that a movie is better than a book but I guess John Le Carre's stories make better movies than books. No matter how hard I tried, it remained a very difficult book to read.

Moving on, a few days before Sophie arrived I started reading Triple by my favorite Welsh author - Ken Follett. Amidst all the excitement and nervousness, I could barely go past the first 3 pages but now I am ready to try it again. Follett wrote this story pre his Pillars of the Earth days. On his website, he says, "It is based on a true story about the Israelis stealing uranium to make their own nuclear bomb. I was intrigued by how the Israeli's had gone about this and I saw the potential for a very good action climax where a bunch of commandos take over a ship. The style was known as "faction", meaning fiction very closely based on fact, and it was fashionable in the 1970's."

A good spy thriller is just what I need after the failed action of Tinker Tailor. So lets see how Triple tickles my imagination. 

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