Monday, August 15, 2011

Is this the end?

Seeing all the upheaval in the stock markets, combined with meaningless rioting in London (I call them meaningless because to the best of my knowledge, no official cause was ever started), the fight against torturous regimes elsewhere – Libya, Syria, Egypt – a thought occurred to me. What if all this is somehow connected to Dec 21, 2012 the day touted to be as the end of humanity?
As the day draws nearer, people out of curiosity or fear or both will start reading more about it but over the years this is what I’ve gathered about the ultimate doomsday.
The Mayans were one the first to declare Dec 21, 2012 as the end of the world. Using their advanced knowledge of astronomy they constructed a highly evolved calendar that ends on 12/21/2012.  The Hopis and the Indians have similar calendars that show the world ends on the exact same date. They have predicted massive natural calamities and great upheaval to precede the end of the world.
There, however, is other literature too that claims the end of the world is not literal but an end in terms of the ideas, beliefs and attitudes that bind us. In short, Dec 21, 2012 is touted as also being end of business as usual and a rise in consciousness, a positive force that will take over the Earth and destroy these cataclysmic man-made scenarios. So that got me thinking, what if this is the beginning of the end? The end of the world as we know it, the end of politics, greed, hunger and power as we know it? What if the Earth rejuvenates itself and with it brings a fresh wave of life? Think of those next generation babies who will never know life as knew it, who will experience pure and unadulterated consciousness.
Really, like heaven on Earth!
P.S.: I dedicate this entry to India who today celebrates her 65th Independence Day! My homeland, from where today I’ve been away for 9 years has influenced me in more ways than I know. Jai Hind!

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