Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Only Love is Real

Only Love is Real propounds the conclusions I came to this past weekend, that the most important thing in this world is love, the rest is distractions. It’s a story about Pedro & Elizabeth two people desperately seeking love but finding themselves far away from it.
Heartbroken and forlorn, they’ve traveled many lives, through the centuries to suffer separation from their near and dear ones but this life time is different. In this life time their souls are determined to make it, to tie the knot and find love in each other. It’s a story about destiny, a tale that reinforces the belief that there is a divine plan for us all and it will come to us at some point in our lives. What we do with it, of course, is our choice. If we make the right choice, we will learn those lessons most important to us, find love and make immeasurable spiritual progress. If we don’t, for whatever reasons – we are not ready, fear has taken over, ignorance reigns supreme – then we will travel through more life times looking for that person or that experience to elevate us.
“It is the reaching out with love to help another that is important, not the results”, is one of the messages transmitted to Dr. Weiss through Pedro. We are all guilty of this, like I mentioned yesterday wash the dishes so I can eat the dessert, eat the dessert so I can go to the movies, finish the movie so I can sleep…the result is more important to us not the actual task of doing things and doing them with love.
Embrace love so you can elevate yourself, learn a thing or two and then come back to help the less fortunate. Love is the only language the universe understands, the rest is all noise.

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