Monday, September 20, 2010

Fiction matters

I’m bending the rules and instead of drama picking up a fiction book. And the final book for the month could be non-fiction. I’ll see how I’m feeling and what I’m in the mood for.
On Thursday I saw Nicholas Kristof outside the New York Times building which made me want to read the revolutionary book, Half the Sky. But by Saturday morning, I changed my mind again. Visiting the library on Friday didn’t help either. Every book I was in the mood for was either checked out, in transit or new! (New is the library's way of informing you the book isn't on the shelf yet).
So I went home, looking desperately at the bookshelf and saw House of Sand and Fog staring back at me. For the past few months, I’ve been meaning to read it but saved it for a later time. Now, the time has come.
House of Sand and Fog, by Andre Dubus III, is a suspense book of three fragile but determined people who get entangled in some sort of escalating crisis. The novel is set in California and features Colonel Behrani, once a wealthy man from Iran, now struggling to make ends meet. Kathy Nicolo, a troubled young woman and Sheriff Lester Burdon, a married man who finds himself falling in love with Kathy.
The novel adapted into a movie, with the same name, starring Ben Kingsley and Jennifer Connolly was released in 2003.
Have any of you read the book or seen the movie? Let me know your impressions. If I like the book enough, I might see the movie. (Usually prefer that order, since most books converted into movies are such a letdown!)

2 Response to Fiction matters

September 20, 2010 at 11:21 AM

you changed your background ! ooh ooh. i can never find or make one i like just enough.

i have heard of the book you mentioned above and thought it was turned into a movie, but i haven't checked out either version. i'm still on my grammar sticklerism (eats, shoots & leaves) book, if i mentioned that recently. it is equipped with grammar repair kits of commas, apostrophes, periods (they call them half-stops in britain), and more in the form of big fat black stickers to correct bad grammar in public places. cute, i know.

September 20, 2010 at 1:52 PM

Talking about backgrounds, I found a really nice one called "The Scroll", a medieval look. But it wouldn't accomodate my needs well so I had to settle with this one. I liked the old one, just thought it was too simple. You'll find some really nice ones at

The book you're reading sounds intense! As part of fulfilling some dumb credits in Clarion, I had to take this English class where they talked about stuff like you're reading and much more. I barely managed to pass the class. Half the time, I had no clue what was going on in that class! LOL!

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